CINCI | Project Management in Afghanistan
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Project Management in Afghanistan

Providing Stellar Quality through Project Management


Project Management Office / PMO Governance

Our PMO manages multiple projects throughout Afghanistan by utilizing project management best practices.


Quality Assurance

On each project, we actively monitor and manage quality of work and promote  strict enforcement of the engineered designs.


Project Risk Management

Project risks in Afghanistan are unique to the region, our risk analysis team manages everything from personal security to financial compensation and insurance aquisitions.



Through our relationships with Afghan government ministries, local government, and elders, we coordinate project schedules and communicate to all stakeholders successfully complete projects on schedule.


Human Resource Management

Our in-country construction and design engineers actively work with multiple resources.


Financial Management

With our local partners, development agencies, and supporting governments we specialize in securing financial resources to fund projects and minimize risk.


Bid & Tender Proposals

Our team is actively bidding on most of the opportunities currently being supported by the Afghanistan government, the United Nations, The US military, and donor countries.


Procurement / Supply Chain Management

Through our local contacts and international logistics companies, we have a proven track record for supply chain needs.


Logistics / Security

Our past experience shows that security is our greatest need and one of our greatest strengths. We can supply a complete security team to oversee the ongoing rebuilding of projects in Afghanistan.